Sunday, January 23, 2011

Four Months (Maya)


Our little slice of heaven just turned four months old.  It's been a busy month.  She had her first Christmas and New Year's, as well as her first "road trip" to visit her grandparents.  "Road trip" is in quotes because it was only a three hour drive.  No biggie.  We didn't even snap a single picture while we were there.  We did, however, stuff the car so full of gear and clothing that there wasn't room for anything else.

Maya is getting really good at twisting her body around to see things, no matter what position she's in.  She not rolling over yet, but she can redirect herself to get another view of the world.  I'm not sure that Maya understands what she's doing just yet, but she'll get there.

She weighs 12 lb 2 oz (looks like about 25th percentile, but they told me it was closer to 50th) and is just over 25 inches long (95th percentile).  It looks like she's following her sister's growth pattern.

Giggling is happening more frequently.  When Maya's really amused it's almost a growl rather than a giggle and it's pretty cute.  Her big sister is better at getting her to smile and laugh than anyone else.  Maya is also using her voice quite a bit more.  She makes the sweetest baby noises.

Maya's hair seems to be growing in much lighter than what she was born with.  It happened the same way with Ellie and now I'm excited to see if she gets curls or if her hair remains straight.  They both have their pros and cons.
I was interested to read back on Ellie's four month and see that the two share the same sleep problems.  2 am-6 am is a vicious time to not sleep well.  For me.  I don't know if either of the girls give a hoot about how Mommy sleeps.  Maya isn't in the crib yet because I like  the proximity of the crib to my bed.  I prefer not to have to go to another room in the middle of the night.

Maya is growing well and, as always, we're happy to have her in our family.

1 comment:

Alida B. said...

Maya is just beautiful. I'm totally loving all the cute outfits you put on her!