Friday, March 5, 2010

Eighteen and Nineteen Months

So I dropped the ball on an 18 month update for Eliana. It just felt like there was a lot going on and no time to organize pictures and videos on the computer. I've been working on figuring it all out and it's finally cooperating with me.

Weight: She weighed 26 lb at her 18 month doctor appointment.
Height: Also at the last doctor appointment, she was 33+ inches. I can't remember exactly what. Eliana seems to be keeping on her growth curve for height and weight.

Speech: I've lost track of her words, but the one she uses most is "hand." Any time she wants to go into another room or go up or down stairs she asks for a hand and will then lead you where she wants to go. It's pretty cute. She also asks for it whenever she sees her lotion.

Nursery has been wonderful. It was surprising to sit in with her the first week and just realize how proud of her I am. She played nice with the other kids (except for stealing their marshmallows when they weren't looking) and was plenty tough when something happened that she could have cried about. Now the problem is getting her to leave nursery. This past Sunday I took her into the hall during Sacrament meeting and we passed the nursery room. Ellie saw a dad from the other ward go in and got very upset when I wouldn't let her follow.

In an attempt to make the post short(er) I'll just tell a few things that Eliana likes to do and let the video show them.

Eliana like to draw, but not necessarily where she should. She loves being active and jumping on her zebra is a great outlet. Ellie loves her cousin Daphne. She loves giving kisses, albeit fairly slimy ones if she hasn't wiped her mouth recently. Daphne's not so sure about affection from Ellie, but she seems fascinated by her older cousin whenever she's over. Eliana loves to "die, die!" That's what she shrieks before launching herself off any particular surface. Ellie LOVES the Shrek movies. Can't get enough of them. She especially likes the music bits at the end of the first two movies. Dancing to them is one of her great pleasures. Bath time is always fun except for when I wash her hair. She really hates that part, but relishes the rest. Finally (for this post), Eliana likes to do songs with actions. Itsy, Bitsy Spider is probably her favorite, followed closely by Oh, How We Love to Stand.

We love you, Ellie!

1 comment:

A Joyful Chaos said...

Awww! Isn't she a sweetie!