Sunday, March 30, 2008

Twenty-One Weeks

I missed last week's score because I was tired and all my thoughts were wrapped up in my brother's wedding. I'll include a belly picture next week.

Weeks along: 21
Weight: 199 (The heaviest of my life!!!)
Waist: 38.25
Symptoms: Back pain has returned and that makes me sad. My pillow helps, so I can't imagine what it would be without the Snoogle. I'm still waiting to feel our little girl move on a regular basis. Part of that comes from having an anterior placenta and I think the other part is that she stays curled up low in my pelvis. Swim, baby, swim! I'll have to bring that up at my appointment next Tuesday and see what the doctor has to say. Sometimes it makes me nervous that something is wrong. But Eric is great and helps reassure me and give me blessings when I worry too much.

The other fun symptom is terrible gas pain. The kind that can't escape no matter how hard you try and hurts like a beast if you move into the wrong position. That lasted for a couple of days. Then one morning it all finally came out and I was much relieved. So now I am coming close to the conclusion that I need to just let it fly whenever the need arises and let people deal with it. It has the potential to hurt too badly if I hold it in. However, I don't think I'm that far gone yet.

Great news is that I am successfully past the first half of pregnancy. Woohoo! From LMP dating, I passed that mark a week ago. From estimated date of conception, half way is today. Then if I consider when I found out I was pregnant, the halfway mark is in one more week. Any way you look at it, this pregnancy is flying by. I never thought I'd say that. We'll see what I have to say in another 10 weeks.

1 comment:

Mariposa said...

a girl! *sigh!* congrats! the best part about having a baby in the UK was being weighed in kilos. yes!