Thursday, October 21, 2010

One Month (Maya)

Maya is one month old today and I'm quite heartbroken about it. With Ellie I was just so excited for her to reach all the milestones that watching her grow was a greater joy than living in the moment. Now the time is passing through my fingers so quickly that I want both of my girls to just stop growing and stay how they are forever and ever. In Maya's case, I know the newborn period is so fleeting that I don't want to miss a moment of it. But time marches on whether or not I want it to and I'm savoring every second I have with my girls.

Overall, Maya is a very chill little baby. Aside from the when she wants to eat or has gas the only time she fusses is when being changed and put in the car seat. She's not a big fan of riding in the car, either. We appreciate the quiet in the house. It's quite a change from our last experience. She does like to stick her tongue out at everyone and I think that's her way of telling us how she feels about things.

We are very surprised at Maya's head control. We've been surprised about it since her birth. She holds her head up very well and can keep it there for at least a minute at a time. Maya is tolerating tummy time and moves her head from one side to the other while she's down there. We have a little pillow that's meant to help with tummy time, but we don't really use it much. Mostly she just uses it as a ramp to push herself over and ends up with her face in the carpet and her feet kicking in the air.

Baby acne has started in earnest and it looks really painful. I put some baby Eucerin on her forehead about a week ago because her skin there looked to be chapped and peeling. That's where she has the most pimples, so I'll probably refrain from putting the Eucerin on there again. Maya is also going bald on top, giving her the look of a bald mullet. I figure she's decided to go through her awkward phase now rather than waiting until junior high.

Maya seems to like to cuddle and I'm loving it. I have a hard time putting her down. The feeling of the soft little lump of warmth in my arms is more sweet than I can stand.

Maya's eyes are officially brown. They started to change in the hospital, but now they seem irrevocably brown. I thought I would be disappointed that they weren't blue or green, but I'm really liking the brown. It's the color I was used to looking at until Eliana was born and seeing the brown is almost comforting. I do start to get silly worries that our blonde and blue-eyed Ellie was somehow switched at birth, but I know that wasn't the case.

Maya has been a wonderful addition to our little family and we're to the point that we can't imagine life without her. She is sweet and incredible and we love her to bits.

1 comment:

Sharon said...

What a cutie! Jared is doing the bald mullet thing too. :) And, we've got the baby acne going on as well. Maya looks a little like Eric to me in one of those photos. Who does she resemble to you?