Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Twenty-Five Months

I always swore I would never refer to my child's age in months after she hit two, but it's just easier to do that when writing on a blog. The past month has been a bit of a blur because we've been making preparations for the next baby to come. However, we didn't totally leave off noticing the fun things Ellie does and the fun little person she is. There just aren't any pictures to share. Actually, we did get some pictures of Ellie this past month. We had a friend take some pictures for Ellie's second birthday. I wish Ellie had been a little more cooperative, but the child wanted to play in the dirt and rocks. So she did.

Ellie has turned into a little monkey, a fact that she happily admits to. Her days are spent climbing on and jumping off of and surface she can get herself onto. She has gotten better at learning that Mommy is not a jungle gym, but sometimes she just gets excited and forgets (or ignores) that rule. The couch is the ultimate play place, but Mommy and Daddy's bed serves as a great trampoline, too.

Cinderella is Ellie's favorite movie. We haven't figured out why, but she really seems to like that one. The other princess movies don't hold her interest. She calls it "Princess". She used to do that with The Little Mermaid, too.

It is still a challenge to do Ellie's hair, but I found a de-tangling spray that I hope will do the trick. Otherwise, the only thing I can do will be to continue telling her that I'm giving her "pretty princess" hair. I think she's got that one figured out.

Kissing has increased quite a bit. The funny thing is that it may not always be a sign of affection. At the very least, it's not so intimate to her as a hug. There are people she won't hug, but a kiss seems to be a suitable alternative. I don't know who raised that child. Next thing you know she'll be enjoying cheesecake and watching baseball. On purpose.

I'll have Eric go through this and come up with other things, but until then you can just enjoy the cuteness that is our Eliana.

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