Thursday, June 4, 2009

Ten Months

This little girl just keeps getting cuter by the second. I think that may be because her hair is getting curlier, but any reason will do. This month has been a big one in terms of development and it's been really exciting for us to watch her grow.

Height: Once again, 28.5 inches. I really must be measuring wrong. She's been that tall for three months now. In two months we'll see what the doctor's office says.

Weight: 20 lbs. 5 oz.

Milestones: Teeth numbers five and six pushed through. I thought they would be a matched pair on top or bottom, but one got through on each side. The bottom tooth is on the right and the top tooth is on the left.

Eliana also perfected her crawl this month. She is now always on hands and knees rather than doing the slap-drag.

Walking has also greatly improved. Her steps are a lot more confident and she has been taking more of them. As you can see from the video, any surface taller than her knees is a potential location for pulling up. She also likes the piano.

For the past several days I've just been loving Eliana more and more. I don't know why. Whatever the reason, it is sweet to me.

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