Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Two Months Old

Now that Eliana is two months old she actually has a couple of things she's grown out of, and I don't just mean clothes. She used to make really great faces as she stretched to wake up. Sadly, I have not been about to capture it anywhere but in my memory. But here are a couple of pictures that come as close as possible.
Her supermodel pose.
Performing the one-armed stretch. Usually she gets both going and bends her head back almost far enough to hit her backside. It looks particularly funny when she does it while you are picking her up from wherever she happens to be sleeping.

The two month well baby checkup was on Monday. She is in the 75th percentile for head circumference, is 23 inches long, and weighs 9 lb. 12 oz. That puts her in the 49th percentile for weight and the 90th for height. Everyone knew she was a slender baby and now we know why. Tall and skinny. Maybe there are some genes from her daddy, after all. Actually, Eric has second cousins or something that are close to as tall as he is and slim. That's the girls. One of the boys is 6'9". Yikes.

The blue eyes still don't seem to be going anywhere. I always wanted a child with blue eyes, but didn't figure it would happen because of the decidedly brown-eyes genes that Eric and I pass along. We have also discovered that I am probably not producing enough milk. As my presence was required at the hospital for a couple of days last week, I left Eliana with my in-laws while Eric was playing soldier for the weekend. She was a very happy girl almost the entire time and was pulling cheesy grins when Eric went to get her. She never does that for me. She can actually be kind of grumpy. Then, on Sunday, it hit me like a bolt of lightening while I was trying to feed her. I checked and, sure enough, there was no milk coming out of the feed bags. I filled a bottle with formula from the samples at the hospital (I was out of pumped milk. I had given it to the in-laws to feed her the day before) and she sucked down four ounces in no time flat. And then she grinned at me several times. So, it looks like I'll be supplementing from now on. It makes for a happier baby. On the plus side, now that I am less stressed about my dad I am producing much better and even have a little "mommy milk" saved up for whenever we need a sitter. To finish, here are a few recent pictures of the cutest baby ever.

Watching a movie with Daddy. A little fuzzy, but I thought it was cute.

A shot of her actually looking at the camera. Again, fuzzy. She is always wiggling. And I need a better camera.

This is the closest to a smile I've been able to get a picture of. The real thing is even cuter.


Abbie said...

Oh the ways in which we have to learn things. It can be painful can't it?! She's growing up sooo fast! It's fun and exciting yet sad at the same time isn't it?

Alan and Sharon said...

Wow! She's really growing up! I love those stretching pictures.

Charlotte said...

She's just adorable Jordan! Amazing the way babies can move isn't it? :) Time really goes by so fast! I can't believe she's already two months! I'm so happy for you!

stephasauri said...

Her little smile is adorable. I love her stretching. I remember her doing that when I got to hold her. She is precious!

Jodi and Josh said...

She is so cute!
I love the taped binkie thing! That's hilarious!!