Tuesday, July 22, 2008

The First Innuendo

This morning I had my first innuendo appointment (innuendo as in where the doctor's fingers go: in-you-end-o) since the initial prenatal visit. As much as I don't relish the idea of my doctor getting to know me so personally, I have to admit I've been looking forward to this appointment.

I made sure to take a very thorough shower this morning in preparation. As usual, we started with the weighing and blood pressuring and peeing in a cup. The difference this time was that they were happy with my blood pressure the first time. It was 138/78 and the nurse smiled and said things were looking better. Then she had me go to the bathroom and do my thing. I got back and she had placed the giant paper towel on the exam table for me to cover my lower half. I stripped down and was pleased that the paper sheet touched in back. However, when you sit down the squishiness in your legs...distributes itself differently. There was a five or six inch crack (get it?) in back where the paper didn't touch anymore. I usually sit in the chair to wait for the doctor to avoid extra swelling in my feet. I opted to sit on the exam table this time.

The doctor came in and said good things about my blood pressure before beginning the regular part of the exam. Apparently everything measured fine and sounded good. It took him less time to find her heartbeat than it has in the past. She's running out of room to hide in there.

Then we had the fun part. It was the week to test for group B Strep. That includes a vaginal and rectal swab, which was even less comfortable than I had imagined. But it's good that they test for it. My aunt had dormant group B Strep and it caused problems after the births of 3 of her 5 children. Not fun. I guess they didn't test for it when she was having kids.

After we finished that joyous experience it was time for me to be checked. That was also more uncomfortable than I had anticipated. Baby likes to sit high up in my belly (usually as far into my ribs as she can get), so the doctor had to press down on my uterus with one hand while pushing up with the other. But we were able to see where I was, so I suppose it was worth it. He told me I had started to efface, but he didn't give me a percentage. He also said I am "one centimeter and a little wiggle room" dilated. I was expecting to hear that everything was still closed up tight, so I was happy to know that there was progress. Maybe she really will come when we want her to.

1 comment:

Carrie and Karl said...

I'll hope you're right, but I was 2-3 centimeters at 24 weeks with Kaleb, and stayed there until 41 weeks...