Thursday, May 8, 2008


My next appointment with the doctor is in less than a week. I've gotten used to the fact that I will be told to watch my blood pressure every time I see him. He reminds me to drink more water, watch my salt intake, and exercise a little. Every time I promise that I will (and fully intend to), but get lost with it in a couple of days. And the exercising never happens.

Well, today I have to congratulate myself on a job well done. I actually got out of bed and walked on the treadmill. I walked for 32:37 and went 1.75 miles. That's not too bad, considering how much was waddling rather than walking. I often wonder how well I would be exercising if I hadn't gotten sick right when I got pregnant and hadn't slacked on the marathon training. I was up to jogging for 30 minutes (about 3 miles) every day by that time. I tried jogging a few times after finding out I was pregnant, but gave it up because it made my joints (knees, in particular) really sore and always prompted an emergency trip to the bathroom. So far the walking has done neither. Maybe next time I'm pregnant I'll be a good enough runner and in good enough shape to do this:

For now I just hope that when I go to the doctor all he'll have to tell me is to watch my salt intake. I intend to keep walking in the morning, so hopefully my blood pressure will go down. As I get close to the third trimester the fear of bed rest looms over me. That kind of silent threat is enough to make me change my habits. A little. For now I can just hope that the test for gestational diabetes goes well and I don't have to put myself on sugar restriction.

1 comment:

Carrie and Karl said...

One of my teachers told us about her sister in law who runs marathons. She tried for kids for more than 5 years and eventually was told to give up. So she did and decided to become a marathon runner. That stopped her cycle so she didn't realize that she was pregnant until she was 6 months along. She only realized it then because she had gained about 10 pounds and couldn't get it off. She ran a marathon the week before the baby was born and went to the hospital wearing normal jeans (though they were a few sizes bigger than she was wearing before). My teacher said if she hadn't been so thrilled for her, she would have been really frustrated at how easy her pregnancy was.
Good luck on the exercizing, I know it's hard.