Sunday, February 3, 2008

Thirteen Weeks

Weeks along: 13
Weight: 192
Waist: 37.25
Symptoms: The big one is still hunger. It takes less time for me to get sick if I don't eat and the feeling is stronger. I also seem to be hungry more often. A meal that would have satisfied me before leaves me hungry again before too long. Another thing I've noticed is a pain in my abdomen. Sometimes it's in the middle and sometimes it's on one side. It will come and go for about half an hour and sometimes feels like it's pulsing. I'm assuming it's the round ligament pain and I'm not worrying about it. I've had more headaches than usual, but that is normal for a pregnancy.

In really awesome news, this week will end my first trimester. It officially ends after 13 weeks 3 days. That happens on Wednesday, so I'll be 100% in second trimester on Thursday. For most people it would bring a lot of relief because the chance of miscarriage drops dramatically. I admit there is a hint of relief but, as a person who lost her baby well into the second trimester, it really isn't that big a deal to me. Once I have the ultrasound at 20 weeks I think my anxiety will go down tremendously. I guess that happens in about 7 weeks. Woohoo!

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