Thursday, February 7, 2008

Second Trimester

Well, today marks the first day of the second trimester. Last pregnancy it was a big deal and I was way excited. This time it feels like a birthday once you've hit adulthood and have to work. It's a nice day, but it's just another day. Other milestones for me will be hearing the baby's heartbeat after 17 weeks, feeling the baby move, getting to 21 weeks, and having an ultrasound that determines the gender and, more importantly, the health of the baby. Those are the ones I'll be excited for. That's not to say I'm not happy to have the risk of miscarriage go down so much. It's just that I already passed it successfully once. However, I'm feeling pretty good right now that everything is going to turn out just fine. Hopefully I'll start looking a little more pregnant soon. As long as it happens before my brother's wedding. It's much better to look pregnant than fat. Especially in photos that people will look at for years.

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