Thursday, January 10, 2008


We went in to the hospital today to have the ultrasound done. I was expecting to need a trans vaginal ultrasound to actually see anything, but that wasn't necessary. The day before that had been spent back and forth between being insanely excited and scared they would find something bad. Everything was perfect.

The ultrasound tech was pregnant, also. She asked me all the questions about if it was my first pregnancy and what happened with it. I think she understood my concerns pretty well. She didn't say anything at first, but spent a few minutes taking pictures. When she was finished with the first pictures she clicked a button and the volume turned on. That's when we heard baby's heartbeat. After a few beats the tech said, "You have a very happy baby." Then I started crying happy tears. I was never sure that our first baby had been able to move and when the tech said that I knew she also meant the baby was moving. The kind of joy I felt at that was more than I could handle without it leaking from my eyes. The heartbeat was strong at 168 beats per minute and the baby is measuring right on. Only two days ahead of where the doctor says I am.

Not too long after that she turned the screen toward me so we could see what was there. She showed us the profile so that we could see the baby's head, ands and feet. Baby's little feet were kicking away and it was very endearing. Several more pictures were taken and she showed us the cord. She also found a second yolk sac. I think she looked for a second baby, but didn't find one. She didn't tell us anything more about than that, but I don't think anything ever developed from the second yolk sac. The last thing she did was look for my ovaries, but she couldn't find those, either. If I didn't have them I wouldn't be pregnant, so we weren't worried. I asked her if we could have any pictures and she said her printer was out of ink. Had there been pictures I would have posted them.

The whole experience was fantastic. I'm so happy we were able to get it done. Now that I am reassured about the baby's health and actual existence I can get excited. I don't think I was really allowing that to happen before now. I'm so grateful that everything looked good and that this baby is alive and well. What a load off my mind. Now I just have to keep doing the best I can to keep the baby as healthy as I can.

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