Saturday, October 24, 2009

New Words

After Ellie turned a year old I stopped keeping track of her progress like I wanted.  To very briefly sum up, she is still tall, loves to walk, is learning lots of fun new words (which I will get to soon), and continues to be the light and joy of our little family.  Favorite activities include: trying to pick up the laptop, climbing, feeding herself (we're still working on getting her to use utensils, but we're not in a rush), putting on mom and dad's shoes, wiggling and squirming through church, and trying to get into the various garbage cans throughout the house.  Her newest favorite activity is reading.  She'll get a book off the shelf, yell "booky!", and slam it on the lap of the closest person before climbing up, herself.  Her current favorite is "A Squirrel's Tale" followed closely by any of her touchy-feely books.  I'm going to stop there and just include a list of words she knows and says so I have a record of it.

ball (bah)
bum (we have a diaper changing song)
book ("boo" or "booky")
bottle (bah)
car (kai)
cat (ta)
cookie (learned with legendary speed)
dog (dah)
flower ("fwah", but she doesn't say it often)
outside (sai)
pin (shows you where we spend our time)
please (pwee)
pretty (also "pwee", but said while she grabs at jewelry instead of food)
sock (sah)
water (wah)
yucky (said while picking up a garbage can)

I think that's all of them, but I'll include more if I can think of them.  She's quite the chatterbox and will hold entire conversations with us.  We're all just dying to know what it all means.  Unless it turns out it's back talk.  Then I don't want to know.

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