Friday, August 7, 2009

Twelve Months

Today was another wellbaby appointment so I saved the monthly update until I had doctor stats.

Weight: 22 lb. 8 oz. 75th percentile
Height: 30.75 inches. I knew I'd been measuring wrong. 95th percentile

We knew she was tall, but I guess I didn't realize just how tall she really was. Her weight is getting closer to being in proportion with her height. I'm just glad that, apparently, I'm feeding her enough.

Everything else at the appointment went fine. Immunizations went about as well as could be expected. She waited until the first shot was almost done before she started to cry. I didn't cry until the third shot. But, having experienced both pneumonia and whooping cough for myself, I would rather watch her get shots than deal with those diseases. After they were all done I comforted her for just a minute and decided she may as well cry in the car as the doctors office and we left. She was a champ and stopped crying before we left the clinic. Good girl. Although that didn't stop her from glaring at the poor nurse who stuck her.

Words include: hi, mama, dada, baby, bye, and pretty. "Dah!" is her universal term for everything from "dog" to "fridge".
Teeth: eight
Walking: Walking? How about running. She's getting ever closer to that. Climbing is another favorite activity that has recently started in earnest. Eliana can also pull herself up to standing now, rather than crawling to something else and using that to stand.

She understands the words she speaks, as well as: arms up, wave, clap, sit, go get it, and more. That means both "other things she understands" and "more".

Eliana loves to explore and see new things. She gets a little upset when I block off a cabinet I don't want her in, but I'm confident she'll forgive me one day.

1 comment:

[Morgan] said...

he he. i love the universal baby words:)