Sunday, January 4, 2009

Five Months

Every month I am amazed at how quickly time passes. Ellie is only a month away form being half a year old. It totally blows my mind. Here are some pictures from the past month and some of the new things she has been doing in the last month.

Started eating rice cereal (I know these are links, but I like the picture and didn't feel like loading the video of her eating cereal. Maybe later.)

Learned to keep the binky in her mouth all by herself (finally!)

Celebrated her first Christmas

Celebrated her first New Years

Rolls from both front to back and back to front

Is learning that continuing to roll gets her places (but she is thankfully still just figuring that out).

She's also getting cuter every moment, but that happens all the time.


Abbie said...

She sure is cute!!

Charlotte said...

She really has grown so fast! And she does get cuter every day. :)