Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Thirty-Six Weeks

Weeks along: 36 weeks, 2 days
Weight: 214
Waist: 42.75
Symptoms: I've mentioned swelling a lot, but not the other things that come with it. That includes feet that can get sore to the touch and hands that refuse to grip like they used to. No one told me about that. You should see me try to hold a pen in the morning. I'm not particularly successful with that.

I've also reached that point in the pregnancy when things become more and more painful. Not emptying my bladder soon enough, having gas, sitting too long, standing too long (you get the idea) all make for discomfort in the belly region. A few nights ago I tried to lay on my side, but propped on my belly while supported by a pillow. I really miss sleeping on my back and laying on my stomach. Anyway, it ended up being a poor idea. It hurt so badly when I moved a minute later that I was afraid I'd sent myself into some kind of unnatural, industrial-strength labor. It got better as soon as I turned to my left side. And the baby definitely kicked her disapproval at being squished up against a pillow.

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