Saturday, May 24, 2008

Twenty-Eight Weeks...oops

Weeks along: 28 weeks 6 days
Weight: I weighed myself, but I forgot in the past week.
Waist: It's somewhere in the 41 inch range, but I forgot what it was.
Symptoms: Heartburn/acid reflux is becoming more frequent and I may have to find something more effective than Tums. Then there's the leg cramps. Oh my goodness, the leg cramps!!! The past few days have been okay, but several nights ago I woke up with wicked leg cramps when I rolled over. I was surprised I didn't wake my husband up with my pathetic whimpering.

My swelling is going down. As soon as it got hot my ankles swelled up enough to leave dimples if I poked them. After it cooled down they got a lot better.

On a good note, my glucose test came back good. No gestational diabetes for me! I was really surprised to get a phone call. The nurse that used to be there at all my appointments must have changed her schedule because I haven't seen her for the past three months. When they took my blood they told me they wouldn't call unless they needed to follow up. Instead, the nurse, Jennifer, called and left a message to say the test came out great and that she's been thinking about me. I thought it was sweet.


Carrie and Karl said...

Prilosec is awesome for heartburn. I used it during my last pregnancy and it was wonderful. It took away the heartburn, and the cool thing is that you only have to take it for 1 or 2 weeks and the effects keep working.

Hollys Hobbies said...

Another great medicine for that is called Titrilac, most pharmacies have it you just have to ask. I lived on the stuff and its kinda like tums but more powerful and longer lasting, good stuff!

Hey sorry I didn't make it to your book party, one of my kids ended up with the flu and I was on throw up duty LOL, it was pretty nasty and I completely spaced letting you know, so I am sorry!