Sunday, April 27, 2008

Twenty-Five Weeks

Weeks along: 25
Weight: 204
Waist: 40.5
Symptoms: I have been forced to walk more slowly than I would choose now, as it makes me side ache and my back hurt. Back pain has taken a break for the past few weeks and only comes back, as mentioned earlier, when I walk too much. Funny how walking is supposed to alleviate that... I have also recovered my powers of coherent speech, for the most part. I was very pleased a few weeks ago when I was whining about the walking/back pain dichotomy and realized that I had used the words alleviate and exacerbate without thinking. Of course, the word mantle (as in the kind over the fireplace) took me a good 10 seconds to think of today.

Baby is still moving well. My favorite is when she stretches diagonally so I can feel her both high and low, as well as on both left and right. I also like it because when she does this she is responsive to me. Right after she does it I can push on my belly and she will push back. She is not always that cooperative. Her favorite time to sit still is just as soon as her daddy puts his hand on my belly to feel her move. Then she's content to stay in place and be coy.

I also discovered today that she seems to like organ music. As the arm waver in sacrament meeting, I stand right next to the organ. During the intermediate hymn she was bouncing around more than normal and became still again after I sat down.

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