Monday, January 28, 2008

Twelve Weeks

Weeks along: 12
Weight: 192
Waist: 37.25
Symptoms: I'm pretty hungry a lot of the time, but can't eat very much at one sitting without getting sick. If I don't eat I get really sick. Mood swings didn't happen until last week (the Venting post says it all) and have already improved. I treated my "yeast infection" (if that's what it was) last week and the results were terrible. It seems worse now than it has ever been. My next appointment with the doctor isn't until Feb 12. Grr.

I'm glad that my waist size finally went up a little. I'm so nervous about everything working out okay that any step in the right direction feels like a major victory. My weight and waist measurements have stayed the same or gone down for the past 3 or 4 weeks. I was starting to worry. A quarter of an inch may not be a huge gain in the waist, but I'll take it!

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